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A day in the Life of a Google Ads Professional

A day in the Life of a Google Ads Professional

Today I am writing a slightly different article, with fewer real examples, fewer screenshots of results and fewer % (this is a photo of one of the wonderful places where I go walking daily in the mountains of Andorra).

Often, when I get to know my clients – which is almost always the case when professionalism and availability meet transparency and a natural predisposition to help – they ask me how I plan and manage several projects at the same time. (I have no more than 30 clients/projects at a time, which is why we often have to put leads on a waiting list.)

One important factor – perhaps the most important factor of all – is that I don't consider my work a job. Google Ads, and business in general, are part of my life. That's why I'm never 100% off, because for me having Biriwuanga is like having another child.

If a client has a question or problem, I try to respond as quickly as possible and as thoroughly as possible, just as I do with my children.

Over the years, I've improved my workflows, analysis, programming, etc. so that thanks to the help of my wonderful team, I have a very healthy family/screen time relationship. I spend time every day with my family, just like I spend time every day with Biriwuanga.

My typical day is made up of the following elements, at alternating times depending on the number of projects running:

I read a lot in several languages, about 50 books a year to keep my mind in shape – books on marketing, behavioural analysis and business in general. I always spend 30-45 minutes a day reading. This is an important part of what I offer as a professional.

I walk my dog about 10 km a day between two daily outings, which is when I do what I call my "screen detox" – a couple of hours to relax my mind with no screens in sight.

I monitor my clients' Google Ads accounts, thoroughly analysing the data my team sends me, and together we check the latest behaviour and conversion flows.

I write clients with news about their campaign, ROI, conversions, etc.

I plan my clients' next project/business launches.

Every day I schedule one or a maximum of two phone/video consulting calls or calls with leads.

I often work at night – the phone is quieter and I have the peace and calm to give it my all.

My support every single day:

· The 3 screens I use – one is dedicated to Google Ads, one to WhatsApp for my clients and my team and the third is for other software, email, Google, etc.

· A Spotify playlist with music of all kinds because I'm always at the computer with my headphones on to cancel out the outside noise – they keep me focused and the music relaxes me.

· My beloved Secret Lab, my incredibly comfortable chair that has been accompanying my Google Ads adventures for years.

I have always liked to offer a service that is out of the ordinary. That's why I love to be at my clients' disposal 7/7, because ideas come when they come, as do questions, problems, etc.

I'm not only a Google Ads expert; I am passionate about Google Ads and business. This is why I have been able to turn my passion into my "job" and dedicate my whole professional life to this.

Becoming a Google Partner, a member of the Google Ads Product Research Team and a European benchmark for Google Ads is the result of a decade of dedication, perseverance, study and effort.

Every time I speak with a lead for the first time (now almost all of them come by word of mouth – what I call the waterfall factor), it's always a huge thrill. I get just as excited now as I did the first time several years ago.

Of course, the economic side is important, but it has never mattered to me what "level" of client or project I am dealing with.

Every new project that enters Biriwuanga is treated the same way and enters the same workflow, whether my client or contact is a CEO, a general manager, a CFO, a junior professional, a VP level, a new entrepreneur, a sales & marketing manager, an investment fund, a multinational company, a family business, an online company, etc. I have clients with a daily Google Ads budget of €10 and others with daily budgets reaching 4 figures.

I always find it funny when a new customer comes to me and says, "I've spent €X on advertising and..." and I always correct them.

I don't spend my clients' money – I invest my clients' money.

Spending is when Google Ads campaigns are done blindly, amateurly, without analysis, without strategy, without experience and without having clear approaches on how to generate conversions.

Investing is planning every possible and imaginable element of campaigns, forecasting various scenarios, conducting continuous testing, not working for your clients' competitors, monitoring each and every campaign every single day and not once every 2 months, giving ideas, advising, generating conversions and generating a positive ROI for clients.

That's why we don't have permanent contracts – the results of clients’ campaigns are the greatest, one and only testament to our success.

On to the next conversion!



Get in Touch!

Biriwuanga SLU,
Pau Casals, 10 (3ª planta)
AD500, Andorra la Vella

Principat d’Andorra

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